Semi-transparent, pigment based stain. Non-grain raising, fade resistant. Easy stir, non-settling formula. Only 30 minutes drying time is needed before a lacquer sealer coat can be sprayed. Apply by spray, brush or cloth. Pigmented Wiping Stains are easier to control because there's no lapping. An ideal uniforming stain when applied over dye stains prior to sealing. A dark color tone is easily lightened with
Wood Stain Reducer, Toluol, or Lacquer Thinner. This stain will never bleed through the finish. Open work time can be increased by adding
Wood Stain RETARDER. Virtually any finish can be applied over Wood Stain: lacquer, shellac, varnish, polyurethane, acrylics and many others. Custom match colors available with 5 gallons per color minimum required.